Life Accident And Health State License Exam

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First Schedule Your License Examination. PSI Services, LLC, a California-based company providing state-based regulatory licensure services, handles the scheduling of examinations for individuals licensed by the California Department of Insurance's (CDI) Producer Licensing Bureau. Oct 18, 2017  Life and Health. Mandated Health Benefits; Exhibit A - Exclusions, Reductions and Limitations for Individual Health Provisions (.pdf format) HIV Consent Form; Federal HIPAA Information; Filings Intake. List of Form Filing Fees; Transmittal Checklist for Life/Health Rate and Form Filings; Transmittal Checklist for Life/Health Miscellaneous Documents. Life and Accident/Health and Variable, Life/Variable Annuities: Agent Applications and Information Licensing Information Main Menu Services for Licensees Notes to Agents and Brokers: The application forms are in PDF format. The Submission Requirements & Fees are available within the forms.

150 Questions By Pchinna Last updated: Jul 1, 2019
Life Accident And Health State License Exam

Health Insurance License Study Guide Free

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Life is so precious and beautiful but so limited too. Health is a primary key for a fair and peaceful life. Sometimes, there come unwanted situations in life when our health is compromised, so, you must have prior knowledge to health and protection schemes which are directly related to your finance. Take this quiz and test your understanding of life and health insurance policies.

Accident And Health Exam Questions

    • A.

      Pays benefits only if it turns out the insured is eligible for benefits from social insurance

    • Pays a benefit if the insured is injured on the job and qualifies for workers compensation benefits

    • Provides a payment only when the insured is totally disabled, but not receiving any social insurance benefit plans

    • Provides for a bonus payment that will match social security disability income benefits, if they are paid

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 3.
    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 4.
    • A.

      Select a provider and submit claims to the insurance company

    • Select a provider at work and claims processor

    • Pre-select a physician and third-party claims administrator

    • Pre-select a clinic and submit claims to the insurance company

    • A.

      An irrevocable beneficiary may be changed by the policy owner without the beneficiary's consent

    • An irrevocable beneficiary has a vested right that neither the policy owner nor his creditors can impair without the beneficiary's consent

    • A revocable beneficiary can become the policy owner at any time by paying the premiums

    • An irrevocable beneficiary has the right to name a contingent beneficiary for the policy

    • A.

      A hearing by the insurance commissioner to determine the severity of the the misrepresentation and to determine an appropriate course of action

    • None, if the policy has been in force for ove 12 months

    • Rescission of the policy

    • A hearing by a court of law to determine an appropriate course of action an insurer may take

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 8.
    • A.

      The election is made by the policy owner at the time the application is submitted

    • When no settlement option is chosen, the proceeds are automatically paid to the policy owner's state

    • The policy owner may change the settlement option after it has been chosen

    • The election may be made by the beneficiary if no settlement option is in force at the time of death of the insured.

    • A.

      To provide health insurance benefits to key employees

    • To give a key employee the ability to purchase the business

    • To give retirement benefits to key employees

    • To cover decreased business earnings due to the death of a key employee

    • A.
    • B.

      As long as it was not insurance related, the application will be granted

    • Approve only after a review by a panel of insurance professionals

    • Deny the application without a hearing

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 12.
    • A.

      None, due to the fact that the concealment was unintentional

    • $250 fine to be paid to the injured party

    • Possible imprisonment to the party who concealed the information

    • Rescission of the contract

  • Loss retention is an effective risk management technique when all of the following conditions exist except
    • The probability of loss is unknown

    • The losses are highly predictable

    • The insured chooses to assume the losses involved

    • The worst possible loss is not serious

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.

      Reserves the right to change the premiums, but may not change any of its terms

    • May not renew the policy if the insured ceases to comply with certain conditions such as continued employment

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 16.
    • A.

      Insurers may offer only broad coverage plans that contain both core benefits and additional benefits

    • Insurers may freely offer whatever supplemental coverages they prefer to market

    • Insurers may offer policies that contain only the core benefits

    • Insurers may create insurance policies for approval by the CA Department of Insurance

  • The guaranteed insurability option provides the ability to:
    • Waive premium payments in the event of disability

    • Access a portion of the death benefit in the event of serious illness

    • Double the amount of the death benefit in the event of accidental death

    • Purchase additional insurance regardless of insurability

  • Which type of insurance guarantees the right to renew thepolicy each year, regardless of health but at an increased premium
    • Convertible term

    • Level term

    • Decreasing term

    • Renewable term

    • A.

      Employees no longer had any legal means of obtaining reimbursement for work injuries

    • Employees would have to sue their employers to obtain reimbursement for work injuries

    • Employers would be held responsible for the cost of their employee's work injuries regardless of fault

    • Employers were no longer responsible for work injuries to employees

    • A.

      RW and Associates who represent BLG Insurance Corporation

    • RW and Associates underwriting for BLG Insurance Corporation

    • RW and Associates placing business through BLG Insurance Corporation

    • RW and Associates using the services of BLG Insurance Corporation

  • The probationary period in a group health policy is intended for people
    • Who joined the group after the policy effective date

    • Without health coverage after a qualifying event who declined to join the group at the time of eligibility

    • With a pre-existing condition when they joined the group

  • Which provision will pay a portion of the death benefit prior to the insured's death due to a serious illness
    • Waiver of premium

    • Accelerated death benefit

    • Cost of living

    • Disability Income

  • An individual with a low income and high insurance needs should buy
    • Whole life insurance

    • Universal life insurance

    • Endowment insurance

    • Term insurance

    • A.

      An agent's supervisor who takes part of his commission

    • An employee who handles self-insurance claims

    • An employee who is responsible for evaluating for relative quality of competing group health and welfare benefits offered to his employer by insurers

    • An outside organization that processes claims for an employers self-funded plans

  • A form of rest or relief offered to family members who are caring for a person who requires continual care is
    • Hospice care

    • Hospital care

    • Respite care

    • Intermediate care

    • A.

      They receive remaining payments to be made under a settlement agreement upon the primary beneficiary's death

    • The contingent beneficiary shares death proceeds equally with the primary beneficiary

    • They receive the death proceeds if the primary beneficiary is deceased at the time of the insured's death

    • More than one contingent beneficiary may be named

    • A.

      The insurer will make the payments until the insured juvenile reaches the specified age

    • The insurer will lend money to keep the policy in force

    • The insured's estate will make the premium payments

    • The insurer will make all the of the policy payments

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 29.
    • A.

      The policy face amounts are usually more than $1,000,000

    • The policy face amount is paid out only upon the death of the first insured to die

    • It offers premiums that are quite low compared to what is charged on separate policies

    • It is particularly well suited to meet the needs of estate taxes

  • If an insurer is not able to meet financial obligations when due, the insurer would be considered
    • Insolvent

    • Unauthorized

    • Impaired

    • Non-admitted

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.

      Authorize the agent with a certificate of convenience

    • Request a certificate of authority be issued immediately

    • A.

      The own-occupation definition used by the Social Security Administration

    • The typical definition of partial disabiity used by disability income policies

    • The total disability definition used by the Social Security Administration

    • The typical definition of temporary disability used by disability income polices

  • People commonly purchase an annuity to protect against the rist of
    • Dying before their home mortgage is paid off

    • Becoming uninsurable

    • Outliving their financial resources

    • Dying too soon

  • In the event of an accidental death, the principal sum in a disability policy will be paid
    • Over the course of a set period

    • On a sliding schedule

    • In one lump sum

    • As a monthly indemnity

  • Which of the following statements about the HICAP program is false ?HICAP
    • Stands for Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program

    • Serves people needing information about Medicare

    • Does not sell or endorse any specific types of insurance

    • Provides assistance for a fee based upon ability to pay

    • A.

      The greater the number insured, the more premium is collected to offset fixed costs

    • The insurer increases its market share with every insured

    • The greater the number insured, the greater the amount of premiums collected to help cover losses

    • The greater the number insured, the more accurately the insurer can predict losses and set appropriate premiums

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 38.
    A measure for rating an individual's need for LTC benefits is called:
    • Case management

    • Activities of daily living

    • The gatekeeper mechanism

    • Co-insurance

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 40.
    Which of the following are commonly covered by medical expense policies ?
    • Elective cosmetic surgeries

    • Pre-existing conditions

    • Expenses covered by a workers compensation policy

    • Accidental injuries

    • A.

      The insured's payment for healthcare that is not considered a covered expense

    • The cost of a covered expense minus the office co-payment

    • The portion of insurance premium paid for coverage by the insured

    • The amount of covered expense that the insured pays before the insurer pays

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 43.
    Which of the following expenses is never covered by a LTC insurance policy ?
    • Home health care

    • Adult day care

    • Hospital acute care unit

    • Alzheimer's disease

  • Which of the following is a hazard ?
    • A large number of similar exposure units

    • A peril

    • A condition that might increase the likelihoold of a loss occurring

    • A speculative risk

    • A.

      An indemnity to the insured for all expenses incurrred when the insured is confined to a hospital

    • The daily benefit coverage amount stated in the policy for each day the insured is confined in the hospital

    • 100% of the covered medical expenses less the deductible and co-insurance percentage

    • The amount of the actual hospital expenses

    • A.

      The agent will be able to operate if a receipt for payment is returned prior to the license expiration date

    • The agent will be able to operate for up to 60 days after the specified expiration date

    • The agent will be able to operate if the agent goes in person to the insurance department to receive a temporary extension of the license

    • The agent will be able to continue to operate after a 30 day extension to operate without receipt if requested and approved

  • A provision stating that health insured's and their insurers will share covered losses in an agreed proportion is called
    • The stop-loss provision

    • Comprehensive insurance

    • Percentage insuring

    • Co-insurance

  • Common life insurance policy riders include all of the following, except:
    • Extended term

    • Guaranteed insurability

    • Accidental death

    • Waiver of premium

  • Term insurance is typically characterized by
    • Low premiums and high cash value

    • High premiums and no cash value

    • High premiums and high cash value

    • Low premiums and no cash value

    • A.

      The policy owner begins to receive $200 monthly payments from the insurer that will continue for life

    • The policy is surrendered and the policy owner is paid $10,000 by the insurer

    • The cash value is used to purchase a $50,000 term policy that is paid-up for 10 years

    • The cash value is used to purchase a $20,000 paid-up policy

  • What would we call a representation which fails to correspond with its stipulations or assertions ?
    • Fatal

    • Fraud

    • Frivolous

    • False

    • A.
    • B.

      Providing free insurance coverage in connection with the sale of services as an inducement for completing the transaction is not legal

    • Life and health ratings may not be related to the age of the insured

    • A life solicitor's license has the same licensing requirements as a life agent's license

    • A.

      Subtract from mortality and general expense charges

    • Add the current interest

    • Substract the policy surrender charges

    • Add the current premium paid

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 55.
    Which of the following requires a reporting company to respond to a consumer's complaint that his file contains inaccurate information about them
    • Unfair Practices Act

    • Fair Credit Reporting Act

    • COBRA

    • Medical Information Act

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 57.
    • A.

      Benefits are based on the level of a worker's earnings up to the time of the disability

    • Benefits will continue only while the worker cannot work at all

    • Benefits are designed to replace the entire amount of a worker's earnings

    • Workers must be totally and permanently disabled for at least five months to be eligible for benefits

  • Under COBRA, a qualifying event ensures that an employee who loses coverage can
    • Transfer coverage to another group

    • Convert to an individual policy

    • Elect to continue coverage

    • Request a waiver of premium

  • Under social security, the definition of disability is the inability to engage in
    • An approved occupation

    • An activity with a given level of compensation

    • Any substantial gainful activity

    • The person's chosen career

    • A.

      In 1990, the average annual cost for a nursing care home was approximately $10,000 per year

    • The need for LTC coverage can arise only after age 50

    • Medi-Cal is one of the most commonly sold LTC policies. It is designed to protect the assets of middle-class californians

    • The very poor and the very rich probably do not need LTC coverage

    • A.

      The program provides only a minimum floor of income. Individuals are expected to supplement this with their own personal programs.

    • The actuarial value of each person's contributions are closely related to the actuarial value of each person's benefits

    • With only a few exceptions, this is a voluntary program

    • The program is fully funded

  • The insured's policy has deductible that is applied between the exhaustion of basic plan limits and the commencement of excess coverage. This is called a:
    • Family deductible

    • Per cause deductible

    • Corridor deductible

    • Stop-loss limit

  • What makes up the entire contract in a life insurance policy ?
    • The policy, and when attached, the application

    • The policy, and any sales literature presented by the agent of the policy holder

    • The policy, the application, and any verbal understandings

    • The policy by itself, but never the applicatin

  • Each of the following terms is an important characteristic of a major medical policy, except
    • Deductible

    • Co-insurance

    • Maximum amounts

    • Capitation

  • In California, the minimum participation requirement for a contributory large group health insurance plan is
    • 50% of eligible employees

    • 25% of eligible employees

    • 75% of eligible employees

    • 40% of eligible employees

    • A.

      Group life insurance is offered only to employees who provide evidence of insurability

    • The initial premium for term insurance is lower than the initial premium for whole life insurance

    • Limited payment whole life policies stay in effect only for as long as the premium is paid

    • Universal life policies have a structured premium payment schedule that must be followed during the entire contract period

  • During the disability elimination period
    • Residual benefits are payable

    • Occupational claims are payable

    • No benefits are payable

    • All claims are payable

  • A provision stating that the insured and the insurer will share covered losses in an agreed proportion is called
    • Percentage sharing

    • Co-insurance

    • Stop-loss provision

    • Comprehensive insurance

  • While an insurer is paying the premium for a life insurance policy under the waiver of premium rider
    • The insurer is named as the primary beneficiary

    • The cash value does not increase

    • The dividend payments cease

    • The policy remains in full force in every respect

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 71.
    According to the CA Insurance Code, all insurers must maintain a department to investigate:
    • Possible abuses of rating laws

    • Possible arson

    • Possible fraudulent claims from insureds

    • Possible abuses of fiduciary responsibilities

  • Which of the following is a type of deductible that charges the insured after basic medical benefits have been paid and before other medical coverage begins?
    • Out-of-pocket limit

    • Calendar deductible

    • Carry-over provision

    • Corridor deductible

  • Which of these statements concerning Medicare is not true ?
    • Part A provides hospital care

    • Part B provides doctors and physicians services

    • Part C provides long-term care benefits

    • It is part of the Social Security program

    • A.
    • B.

      It is paid entirely by FICA (social security) payroll taxes

    • An individual must sign a form rejecting Part B or they will be enrolled in it

    • It provides some coverage and benefits for most medical expenses not covered by Part A

    • A.

      A person who has been entitled to Social Security disability benefits for 24 months

    • A person who has reached 65, is willing to pay a premium but is not eligible for Social Security,

    • A person who has reached 65 and is eligible for Social Security.

    • All the above are eligible

  • Hospice care provides services to patients who are:
    • In a hospital and expected to recover

    • Terminally ill

    • Receiving respite care through Medicare

    • None of the above

  • In the Medicare system, the services provided by doctors and surgeons are covered by: 1. Part A2. Part B 3. There is no charge for coverage4. there is a charge for coverage
    • 1 and 3

    • 1 and 4

    • 2 and 3

    • 2 and 4

    • A.
    • B.
  • 79.
    • A.

      They are required to issue all policies on either a guaranteed renewable or non-cancelable basis

    • If the policy has been is force for at least 6 months, the insurer is prohibited from excluding any preexisting conditions.

    • The insurers are prohibited from any exclusion for all preexisting conditions

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.

      Offer core plans as a stand-alone or offer core plans along with broader plans

    • Both A and B are not allowed

  • Medicare covers which of the following in order to provide long-term care for elderly:
    • Very broad and substantial intermediate care benefits

    • A wide range of custodial care coverage

    • Very limited nursing home coverage

    • Medicare provides none of the above

    • A.

      Those who are very rich or very poor probably are not in need of long term care coverage

    • The annual cost of nursing home care was about $10,000 in 1990

    • One of the best-structured plans for long term care for those in the middle class is Medi-Cal

    • The need for long term care insurance begins only at middle age.

  • There is a type of benefit that pays for the cost of relief given to the caregiver of a person who requires constant care and supervision. What is this type of care called ?
    • Custodial Care

    • Hospice care

    • Intermediate relief care

    • Respite care

    • A.
    • B.

      As a part of a comprehensive homeowner umbrella policy

    • As part of a life insurance policy through the use of an endorsement

  • Pick from the following choices the features of a long-term care policy that would have the highest premium. 1. Long benefit period2. Short benefit period3. Long elimination period4. Short elimination period
    • 1 and 3

    • 2 and 3

    • 1 and 4

    • 2 and 4

  • Which of the following categories of benefits are not covered in a long-term care policy ?
    • Home care benefits

    • Custodial care benefits

    • Acute care coverage in a hospital

    • Community based care benefits

  • Any long-term care policy sold in California must provide for certain benefits. Select the most correct answer describing these benefits from the choices below.
    • Home care only

    • Medicare supplement

    • Institutional care only

    • Institutional care and home care

  • Long-term care policies that deliver benefits for community based or home care services must include which of the following: 1. Respite care2 Hospice Care3. Home health care services
    • 1 and 3

    • 1 and 2

    • 1,2 and 3

    • None of the above

    • A.

      They can exclude degenerative conditions like Alzheimer's

    • They may require hospital stays of certain lengths be satisfied before benefits are provided

    • 'Inflation guard' is a non-legal provision in LTC policies

    • All the above are false

    • A.
    • B.
  • 91.
    When Workers compensation laws became mandatory, it meant:
    • HMOs were required to provide medical services to all employees

    • Employers could use common law defenses more to their advantage

    • Employers were financially responsible for employees on-the-job injuries, regardless of fault

    • Employees were required to provide employers fault to file legal action

  • Who pays the premiums for a Workers Compensation policy for a retail store ?
    • Equally divided between the employees and the storeowner.

    • Because of the occupation classification, it is paid entirely by the employees.

    • It is always paid entirely by the employer

    • Retail stores are excluded from statutory workers compensation laws

  • Mike drives a truck for a delivery company. In the course of making a delivery he is involved in a serious accident, and is taken to the hospital. The hospital and doctors bills will be paid by:
    • The company workers compensation policy

    • Medi-Cal, assuming he qualifies for coverage

    • Mike's private auto insurance policy

    • None of the above

  • Benefits will be paid from a Worker's Compensation Subsequent Injury Fund only if both the first and second injury are the result of an on-the-job accident
    • True

    • False

  • The Worker's compensation portion (Part I) of the Worker's Compensation policy covers payments the employer (insured) must pay:
    • Under Worker's compensation law

    • To bring the work environment up to state safety codes.

    • To cover common law exposures

    • To coordinate with HMO coverage

  • 'The seamless delivery of medical and indemnity for both occupational and non-occupational injuries and illnesses' is the definition of:
    • Worker's compensation

    • 24-hour coverage

    • All disability policies

  • In California after January 1, 2002, the definition of health insurance includes all of the following types of coverages, except:
    • Group medical coverage

    • Accidental death and dismemberment coverage

    • Individual hospital coverage

    • Individual surgical benefits

  • A group health plan third party administrator might do any of the following, except:
    • Receive employee payments

    • Pay policy owner premiums

    • Track insured eligibility

    • Handle member complaints

  • Unintentional concealment entitles the injured party to which course of action ?
    • Possible imprisonment to the party who concealed the information

    • $250 fine to be paid to the injured party

    • None, given the fact that the concealment was unintentional

    • Rescission of the contract

  • When may a representation be withdrawn ?
    • Only before the insurance is in effect

    • At any time as long as both parties agree

    • It can never be withdrawn

    • Only after the policy is in effect

  • A significant benefit to the insured in group underwriting verses individual is
    • There are no enrollment restrictions

    • Previous claims are not a consideration

    • The cost of coverage is lower

    • Members are eligible for the entire contract period

  • What kind of insurance pays medical benefits only in the event the insured suffers from one stipulated disease ?
    • Critical illness

    • Group medical expense

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    • Specified disease

    • Individual medical expense

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 104.
    • A.

      To protect the interests of life insurers and their agents

    • To establish penalties for failure to comply with replacement requirements

    • To assure the purchaser receives information to make an informed decision

    • To reduce the opportunity for misrepresentation and incomplete disclosures

    • A.

      Charging a higher rate based upon the information given on the insurance application

    • Failure of the agent to submit the application to an insurance company

    • Declination of insurance coverage

    • Termination of insurance coverage

    • A.

      A provision that provides medical coverage for the surgical expense of donating a body organ

    • A provision that considers the insured to be disabled if donating a body organ.

    • A provision that covers hospital expenses following the donation of a body organ

    • A provision that extends coverage for rehabilitation after the donation of a body organ

  • In order to obtain group insurance without providing evidence of insurability, what do eligible individuals generally have to do ?
    • Submit an attending physician's statement with their group enrollment cards

    • Pay the first year premium in advance

    • Nothing

    • Enroll within a specified eligibility period

  • What is the purpose of the rehabilitation provision in a disability income policy ?
    • To provide increases in disability benefits to keep pace with inflation

    • To compensate insured's who lose their sight in both eyes

    • To encourage disabled insureds to return to their original occupations

    • To pay a portion of a workers pre-disability income when the insured returns to work

  • An agent who acts as an insurance agent, broker, solicitor, life agent, or bail agent, acts in which capacity when handling premiums or return premiums for an insured ?
    • Natural person

    • Fiduciary

    • Legal representative

    • Managing general agent

  • A measure of rating an individual's need for long term care benefits is called
    • Activities of daily living

    • The gatekeeper mechanism

    • Case management

    • Coinsurance

  • In order to determine the amount of premium an insured will pay, the insurer multiplies the rate by:
    • The number of insureds on the policy

    • The number of exposure units

    • The expense factor

    • The premium adjustment factor

  • Viatical settlements are accomplished through the use of
    • Non-forfeiture provisions

    • Settlement options

    • Collateral assignment

    • Absolute assignment

    • A.
    • B.

      They can terminate making premium payments until the claim is resolved

    • They can ask a Medicare carrier to review the decision

    • They can ask for a second opinion by the state medical examiner

  • What is the tax treatment for individual disability income policies
    • Non-deductible premiums and tax-free benefits

    • Non-deductible premiums and taxable benefits

    • Deductible premiums and taxable benefits

    • Deductible premiums and tax-free benefits

  • The conversion privilege allows a person to change coverage from
    • A life insurance policy to an annuity

    • A group policy to an individual policy

    • An individual policy to a group policy

    • An annuity to a life insurance policy

    • A.

      Employer contributions are taxable to employees in the year they are contributed

    • Investment earnings are exempt from income tax until distributed

    • Employer contributions are deductible from corporate income taxation

    • Employer contributions are taxable to employees in the years they are received as benefits

  • What provision prevents a family from receiving benefits from two separate group policies with the same medical expense ?
    • Assignment of benefits

    • Conversion of benefits

    • Extension of benefits

    • Coordination of benefits

  • Self-funding of employee benefit plans cannot be used for
    • Short-term disability benefits

    • Health benefits

    • Death benefits

    • Hospital benefits

  • Which of the following coverages is NOT one of the three traditional benefits of a group basic medical expense plan ?
    • Surgical expense

    • Private nursing expense

    • Physicians visit expense

    • Hospital expense

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.

      Decreases the length of time that premiums are payable

  • What is the written instrument called in which the insurance contract is set forth ?
    • The provisions

    • The warrantees

    • The policy

    • The risk

  • Which non-forfeiture option uses cash surrender values to purchase paid-up term insurance for the full face amount of the policy ?
    • Extended paid-up insurance

    • Extended term insurance

    • Reduced term insurance

    • Reduced paid-up insurance

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 124.
    • A.

      All correspondence between the agent and the policy holder

    • Printed material in general use which has been distributed by the insurer

    • A copy of the outline of coverage

    • All policies sold by the agent

  • A worker dies while he is credited with six quarters of the last 13 quarter period. What status does the worker have under social security ?
    • Partially insured

    • Disability insured

    • Currently insured

    • Fully insured

    • A.

      Returns insurance premiums if the insured surrenders the policy at any time after the third policy year

    • Waives the policy premium while the inured is totally disabled

    • Provides for the periodic return of a percentage of the premiums that have been paid if the insured becomes and remains disabled

    • Permits the policy owner to receive a full refund of premium if the policy is returned during the first 90 days after deliver

  • An agent's appointment with an insurer will be discontinued if all of the following circumstances exist, except:
    • The agent quits working for the insurer

    • The insurer files a notice to terminate the appointment

    • Another insurer submits an employment application

    • The agent's insurance license expires

  • Social Security provides protection against the financial consequences of all of the following, except:
  • Which retirement plan utilizes non-deductible contributions?
    • Simplified employee pension plan

    • Roth IRAs

    • Profit-sharing plan

    • Tax-sheltered annuity

  • Wellness benefits under a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) typically include all of the following, except:
    • Routine physicals

    • Immunizations

    • Flouride treatments

    • Vision checks

    • A.

      An insured suffers a financial loss in the state lottery

    • A guest is injured by a fall from the insured's deck

    • An insured is sued for unintentional slander of another person

    • An insured is admitted to the hospital for delivery of a newborn

  • The social security normal retirement age depends upon
    • The number of quarters of coverage

    • The number of years of employment

    • The worker's year of birth

    • The worker's average annual earnings

  • The complete ransfer by the existing owner of all rights in an insurance policy to another person is
    • Absolute assignment

    • Endowment

    • Collateral assignment

    • Non-forfeiture

  • Which retirement plan was designed for employees of public school systems ?
    • TSA

    • IRA

    • 401(K)

    • Keogh

  • Which settlement option allows only the death benefit earnings to be paid to the beneficiary
    • Interest option

    • Cash option

    • Fixed period option

    • Fixed amount option

    • A.

      A worker's medical plan includes a carryover deductible provision

    • A person working for two employers has health insurance through both

    • Spouses are both employed and eligible for group medical benefits

    • An executive has additional coverage through an association policy

    • A.

      There is an additional premium for the additional coverage

    • No evidence of insurability is required for the annual increases in coverage

    • The insured receives an automatic increase in the policy's death benefit when there is an increase in the cost of living index

    • The face value of the policy raises or lowers as the cost of living index increases or decreases

  • The social security blackout period ends when the surviving spouse reaches the age of
    • 55

    • 60

    • 62

    • 65

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 140.
    In which plans do employers make specific contributions to an employee's retirement account?
    • Defined contribution plans

    • Individual retirement accounts

    • Defined benefit plans

    • Keogh plans

  • Traditional comprehensive major medical plans include all of the following, except:
    • Deductibles

    • Out-of-pocket maximums

    • First-dollar coverage

    • Coinsurance

  • In a 7 year vesting schedule, what percentage of employer contributions must be vested after 7 years of service ?
    • 40%

    • 60%

    • 80%

    • 100%

  • A representation in an insurance contract qualifies as which of the following ?
    • An express warranty

    • An implied warranty

    • An amendment

    • A policy provision

    • A.

      The extended term coverage will stay in force for a specified period of time, and then coverage will cease

    • No further premium payments are required

    • The term policy will have the same loan value as the original policy

    • The extended term insurance will be for the same face amount as the 20-pay life policy

  • Identify which of the following is not a principal factor used to determine group disability income rates
    • Average age of the insureds who make up the group

    • Maximum indemnity period

    • Length of the waiting/elimination period

    • Location of the insured entity

  • Which non-forfeiture option uses an existing policy's cash value to purchase a paid-up policy with a lower face than the original policy?
    • Extended paid-up insurance option

    • Reduced paid-up insurance option

    • Cash surrender value option

    • Extended term option

    • A.

      The wife receives medical care. ABC group insurer is primary

    • To reduce the risk of over-insurance, neither insurer will pay any benefits on any claim that is totally or partially covered by the other insurer if the other insurer is the primary carrier

    • The primary carrier determines what they ow for a claim by finding out what the secondary carrier will not pay

    • The husband receives medical care. XYZ group insurer is secondary.

    • A.

      Amount paid by the insured before benefits are payable

    • Payable amount split by the insured and the insurer

    • Number of days for which no benefits are payable

    • Number of days in which benefit payments end.

  • Each of the following terms is an imortant characteristic of a major medical policy, except
    • Capitation fee

    • Deductible

    • Co-insurance

    • Maximum amounts

  • HMOs are involved in all of the following, except
    • Providing healthcare services

    • Emphasizing the use of specialty physicians

    • Controlling costs by encouraging preventive care

    • Providing healthcare financial coverage