Install Font On Windows 7
Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build. Windows 7 has apparently changed the way fonts are installed. At Fonts windows, Drap and Drop new font which you want to install in Windows to use. The new font was installed completely and you can find it on your program as Photoshop, PowerPoint, How to delete the font in Windows Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.
-->This is a list of fonts that shipped with Windows 7. Your versions numbers may be different if you did not apply Windows updates. The list of Windows 8 fonts is here.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold | ahronbd.ttf | 5.02 |
Andalus | Andalus | andlso.ttf | 5.92 |
Angsana New | Angsana New | angsa.ttf | 5.00 |
Angsana New Italic | angsai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Bold | angsab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Bold Italic | angsaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC | angsau.ttf | 5.00 |
AngsanaUPC Italic | angsaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold | angsaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic | angsauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Aparajita | Aparajita | Aparaj.ttf | 5.91 |
Aparajita Italic | Aparaji.ttf | 5.91 | |
Aparajita Bold | Aparajb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Aparajita Bold Italic | Aparajbi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting | Arabtype.ttf | 5.91 |
Arial | Arial | arial.ttf | 5.22 |
Arial Italic | ariali.ttf | 5.22 | |
Arial Bold | arialbd.ttf | 5.22 | |
Arial Bold Italic | arialbi.ttf | 5.22 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | ariblk.ttf | 5.06 |
Batang | Batang | batang.ttc | 5.00 |
BatangChe | batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Browallia New | Browallia New | browa.ttf | 5.00 |
Browallia New Italic | browai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold | browab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold Italic | browaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC | browau.ttf | 5.00 |
BrowalliaUPC Italic | browaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold | browaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic | browauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Calibri | Calibri | Calibri.ttf | 5.75 |
Calibri Italic | Calibrii.ttf | 5.75 | |
Calibri Bold | Calibrib.ttf | 5.75 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | Calibriz.ttf | 5.75 | |
Cambria | Cambria | cambria.ttc | 5.97 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.ttf | 5.97 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.ttf | 5.97 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.ttf | 5.97 | |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math | cambria.ttc | 5.97 |
Candara | Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.61 |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | comic.ttf | 5.00 |
Comic Sans MS Bold | comicbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 5.24 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 5.24 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 5.24 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 5.24 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.ttf | 5.90 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel | Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.61 |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Cordia New | Cordia New | cordia.ttf | 5.00 |
Cordia New Italic | cordiai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold | cordiab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold Italic | cordiaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC | cordiau.ttf | 5.00 |
CordiaUPC Italic | cordiaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold | cordiaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold Italic | cordiauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Courier New | Courier New | cour.ttf | 5.13 |
Courier New Italic | couri.ttf | 5.13 | |
Courier New Bold | courbd.ttf | 5.13 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | courbi.ttf | 5.13 | |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh | daunpenh.ttf | 5.00 |
David | David | david.ttf | 5.02 |
David Bold | davidbd.ttf | 5.02 | |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB | kaiu.ttf | 5.00 |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC | upcdl.ttf | 5.01 |
DilleniaUPC Italic | upcdi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold | upcdb.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic | upcdbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DokChampa | DokChampa | dokchamp.ttf | 5.00 |
Dotum | Dotum | gulim.ttc | 5.00 |
DotumChe | gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Ebrima | Ebrima | Ebrima.ttf | 5.00 |
Ebrima Bold | Ebrimabd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | estre.ttf | 5.00 |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC | upcel.ttf | 5.01 |
EucrosiaUPC Italic | upcei.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold | upceb.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic | upcebi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Euphemia | Euphemia | euphemia.ttf | 5.00 |
FangSong | FangSong | simfang.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | framd.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | framdit.ttf | 5.00 | |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl | frank.ttf | 5.02 |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC | upcfl.ttf | 5.01 |
FreesiaUPC Italic | upcfi.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold | upcfb.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic | upcfbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Gabriola | Gabriola | Gabriola.ttf | 5.92 |
Gautami | Gautami | Gautami.ttf | 5.90 |
Gautami Bold | Gautamib.ttf | 5.90 | |
Georgia | Georgia | georgia.ttf | 5.00 |
Georgia Italic | georgiai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Georgia Bold | georgiab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | georgiaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Gisha | Gisha | gisha.ttf | 5.00 |
Gisha Bold | gishabd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Gulim | Gulim | gulim.ttc | 5.00 |
GulimChe | gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | batang.ttc | 5.00 |
GungsuhChe | batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Impact | Impact | impact.ttf | 5.00 |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC | upcil.ttf | 5.01 |
IrisUPC Italic | upcii.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold | upcib.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold Italic | upcibi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota | iskpota.ttf | 5.90 |
Iskoola Pota Bold | iskpotab.ttf | 5.90 | |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC | upcjl.ttf | 5.01 |
JasmineUPC Italic | upcji.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold | upcjb.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold Italic | upcjbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
KaiTi | KaiTi | simkai.ttf | 5.01 |
Kalinga | Kalinga | kalinga.ttf | 5.90 |
Kalinga Bold | kalingab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Kartika | Kartika | Kartika.ttf | 5.90 |
Kartika Bold | Kartikab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Khmer UI | Khmer UI | KhmerUI.ttf | 5.00 |
Khmer UI Bold | KhmerUIB.ttf | 5.00 | |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC | upckl.ttf | 5.01 |
KodchiangUPC Italic | upcki.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold | upckb.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic | upckbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Kokila | Kokila | Kokila.ttf | 5.91 |
Kokila Italic | Kokilai.ttf | 5.91 | |
Kokila Bold | Kokilab.ttf | 5.91 | |
Kokila Bold Italic | Kokilabi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Lao UI | Lao UI | laoui.ttf | 5.00 |
Lao UI Bold | laouib.ttf | 5.00 | |
Latha | Latha | latha.ttf | 5.90 |
Latha Bold | Lathab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee | leelawad.ttf | 5.00 |
Leelawadee Bold | leelawdb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT | lvnm.ttf | 5.02 |
Levenim MT Bold | lvnmbd.ttf | 5.02 | |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC | upcll.ttf | 5.01 |
LilyUPC Italic | upcli.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold | upclb.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold Italic | upclbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | l_10646.ttf | 5.00 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | malgun.ttf | 6.11 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | malgunbd.ttf | 6.00 | |
Mangal | Mangal | mangal.ttf | 5.91 |
Mangal Bold | mangalb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Marlett | Marlett | marlett.ttf | 5.00 |
Meiryo | Meiryo | meiryo.ttc | 6.05 |
Meiryo Italic | meiryo.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo Bold | meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo Bold Italic | meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo UI | Meiryo UI | meiryo.ttc | 6.05 |
Meiryo UI Italic | meiryo.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo UI Bold | meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo UI Bold Italic | meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | Himalaya.ttf | 5.00 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei | MSJH.ttf | 6.02 |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | MSJHBD.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue | ntailu.ttf | 5.90 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold | ntailub.ttf | 5.90 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa | PhagsPa.ttf | 5.90 |
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold | PhagsPaB.ttf | 5.90 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | micross.ttf | 5.22 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le | taile.ttf | 5.90 |
Microsoft Tai Le Bold | TaiLeb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur | msuighur.ttf | 5.91 |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei | msyh.ttf | 6.02 |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | msyhbd.ttf | 6.02 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | MSYI.ttf | 5.00 |
MingLiU | MingLiU | mingliu.ttc | 7.00 |
PMingLiU | mingliu.ttc | 7.00 | |
PMingLiU-ExtB | mingliub.ttc | 7.00 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS | mingliu.ttc | 7.00 | |
MingLiU-ExtB | MingLiU-ExtB | mingliub.ttc | 7.00 |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | mingliub.ttc | 7.00 | |
Miriam | Miriam | mriam.ttf | 5.02 |
Miriam Fixed | mriamc.ttf | 5.02 | |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | monbaiti.ttf | 5.01 |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran | moolbor.ttf | 5.00 |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | msgothic.ttc | 5.05 |
MS PGothic | msgothic.ttc | 5.05 | |
MS UI Gothic | msgothic.ttc | 5.05 | |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | msmincho.ttc | 5.05 |
MS PMincho | msmincho.ttc | 5.05 | |
MV Boli | MV Boli | mvboli.ttf | 5.01 |
Narkisim | Narkisim | nrkis.ttf | 5.02 |
Nyala | Nyala | nyala.ttf | 5.00 |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | pala.ttf | 5.00 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | palai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | palab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | palabi.ttf | 5.00 | |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee | plantc.ttf | 5.00 |
Raavi | Raavi | Raavi.ttf | 5.90 |
Raavi Bold | Raavib.ttf | 5.90 | |
Rod | Rod | rod.ttf | 5.02 |
Sakkal Majalla | Sakkal Majalla | majalla.ttf | 5.01 |
Sakkal Majalla Bold | majallab.ttf | 5.01 | |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | segoepr.ttf | 5.02 |
Segoe Print Bold | segoeprb.ttf | 5.02 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | segoesc.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe Script Bold | segoescb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Light | segoeuil.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe UI | segoeui.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Italic | segoeuii.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Semibold | seguisb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI Bold | segoeuib.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | segoeuiz.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol | seguisym.ttf | 5.00 |
Shonar Bangla | Shonar Bangla | Shonar.ttf | 5.91 |
Shonar Bangla Bold | Shonarb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Shruti | Shruti | Shruti.ttf | 5.90 |
Shruti Bold | Shrutib.ttf | 5.90 | |
SimHei | SimHei | simhei.ttf | 5.01 |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic | simpo.ttf | 5.92 |
Simplified Arabic Bold | simpbdo.ttf | 5.92 | |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | simpfxo.ttf | 5.92 | |
SimSun | SimSun | simsun.ttc | 5.03 |
NSimSun | simsun.ttc | 5.03 | |
SimSun-ExtB | SimSun-ExtB | simsunb.ttf | 5.00 |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | sylfaen.ttf | 5.02 |
Symbol | Symbol | symbol.ttf | 5.00 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | tahoma.ttf | 5.22 |
Tahoma Bold | tahomabd.ttf | 5.22 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | times.ttf | 5.22 |
Times New Roman Italic | timesi.ttf | 5.22 | |
Times New Roman Bold | timesbd.ttf | 5.22 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | timesbi.ttf | 5.22 | |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic | trado.ttf | 5.92 |
Traditional Arabic Bold | tradbdo.ttf | 5.92 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | trebuc.ttf | 5.00 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | trebucit.ttf | 5.00 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | trebucbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | trebucbi.ttf | 5.00 | |
Tunga | Tunga | Tunga.ttf | 5.90 |
Tunga Bold | Tungab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Utsaah | Utsaah | Utsaah.ttf | 5.91 |
Utsaah Italic | Utsaahi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Utsaah Bold | Utsaahb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Utsaah Bold Italic | Utsaahbi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Vani | Vani | Vani.ttf | 5.91 |
Vani Bold | Vanib.ttf | 5.91 | |
Verdana | Verdana | verdana.ttf | 5.03 |
Verdana Italic | verdanai.ttf | 5.03 | |
Verdana Bold | verdanab.ttf | 5.03 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | verdanaz.ttf | 5.03 | |
Vijaya | Vijaya | Vijaya.ttf | 5.91 |
Vijaya Bold | Vijayab.ttf | 5.91 | |
Vrinda | Vrinda | Vrinda.ttf | 5.90 |
Vrinda Bold | Vrindab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Webdings | Webdings | webdings.ttf | 5.00 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | wingding.ttf | 5.00 |
Install Font Arabic Windows 7
How Do I Install.ttf Fonts on Windows 7? Click the start button and select the Control Panel. Click in front of View by and select the Large icons option from the control panel window. Select the Fonts with the folder icon to open the Windows 7 font folder. Your installed font list. Double-click the Fonts folder. Select File Install New Font. Chrome remote desktop app windows. Locate the directory or folder with the font(s) you want to install. Use the Folders: and Drives: windows to move to the folder on your hard drive, a disk, or CD where your new TrueType or OpenType fonts are located. Find the font(s) you want to install. Goolge Fonts is a collection of fonts often used by Web developers to extend the appearance of their text beyond the most basic and common font styles. But these fonts are not restricted to websites; you can also download them from the Google Fonts library and install them on your computer in Windows 7.
Adding Fonts To Windows 7
Right click on the zip file. Left click “Extract All” from the menu. Select a destination to extract your files by left clicking the “Browse” button. Left click on “Desktop”. Left click on “OK”. The “Select a destination” screen will pop up again. Left click “Extract”. Close any open windows and return to the desktop. Dec 13, 2012 Another way to install font in Win 7 is to copy and paste it in the Windows Font's directory. For this purpose, right click on a downloaded font file and select the 'Copy' option from the menu.
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