Arial Font Download Windows 7

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  1. Arial Unicode Font Download For Windows 7
  2. Windows 10 Arial Font Download
  3. Arial Font Download Windows 7 Free

Oct 11, 2017  An important development in Windows 10 is the Universal Windows Platform (UWP): a converged app platform allowing a developer to create a single app that can run on all Windows devices. Windows fonts are one aspect of this convergence: Windows 10 introduces a recommended UWP font set that is common across all editions that support UWP.

  • Download Free Fonts. Collection of most popular free to download fonts for Windows and Mac. This free fonts collection also offers useful content and a huge collection of TrueType face and OpenType font families categorized in alphabetical order.
  • Download Arial Unicode MS, font family Arial Unicode MS by Agfa Monotype Corporation with Regular weight and style, download file name is arial-unicode-ms.ttf.

This is a list of fonts that shipped with Windows 7. Your versions numbers may be different if you did not apply Windows updates. The list of Windows 8 fonts is here.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Aharoni BoldAharoni Boldahronbd.ttf5.02
Angsana NewAngsana Newangsa.ttf5.00
Angsana New Italicangsai.ttf5.00
Angsana New Boldangsab.ttf5.00
Angsana New Bold Italicangsaz.ttf5.00
AngsanaUPC Italicangsaui.ttf5.00
AngsanaUPC Boldangsaub.ttf5.00
AngsanaUPC Bold Italicangsauz.ttf5.00
Aparajita ItalicAparaji.ttf5.91
Aparajita BoldAparajb.ttf5.91
Aparajita Bold ItalicAparajbi.ttf5.91
Arabic TypesettingArabic TypesettingArabtype.ttf5.91
Arial Italicariali.ttf5.22
Arial Boldarialbd.ttf5.22
Arial Bold Italicarialbi.ttf5.22
Arial BlackArial Blackariblk.ttf5.06
Browallia NewBrowallia Newbrowa.ttf5.00
Browallia New Italicbrowai.ttf5.00
Browallia New Boldbrowab.ttf5.00
Browallia New Bold Italicbrowaz.ttf5.00
BrowalliaUPC Italicbrowaui.ttf5.00
BrowalliaUPC Boldbrowaub.ttf5.00
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italicbrowauz.ttf5.00
Calibri ItalicCalibrii.ttf5.75
Calibri BoldCalibrib.ttf5.75
Calibri Bold ItalicCalibriz.ttf5.75
Cambria ItalicCambriai.ttf5.97
Cambria BoldCambriab.ttf5.97
Cambria Bold ItalicCambriaz.ttf5.97
Cambria MathCambria Mathcambria.ttc5.97
Candara ItalicCandarai.ttf5.61
Candara BoldCandarab.ttf5.61
Candara Bold ItalicCandaraz.ttf5.61
Comic Sans MSComic Sans MScomic.ttf5.00
Comic Sans MS Boldcomicbd.ttf5.00
Consolas ItalicConsolai.ttf5.24
Consolas BoldConsolab.ttf5.24
Consolas Bold ItalicConsolaz.ttf5.24
Constantia ItalicConstani.ttf5.90
Constantia BoldConstanb.ttf5.90
Constantia Bold ItalicConstanz.ttf5.90
Corbel ItalicCorbeli.ttf5.61
Corbel BoldCorbelb.ttf5.61
Corbel Bold ItalicCorbelz.ttf5.61
Cordia NewCordia Newcordia.ttf5.00
Cordia New Italiccordiai.ttf5.00
Cordia New Boldcordiab.ttf5.00
Cordia New Bold Italiccordiaz.ttf5.00
CordiaUPC Italiccordiaui.ttf5.00
CordiaUPC Boldcordiaub.ttf5.00
CordiaUPC Bold Italiccordiauz.ttf5.00
Courier NewCourier Newcour.ttf5.13
Courier New Italiccouri.ttf5.13
Courier New Boldcourbd.ttf5.13
Courier New Bold Italiccourbi.ttf5.13
David Bolddavidbd.ttf5.02
DilleniaUPC Italicupcdi.ttf5.01
DilleniaUPC Boldupcdb.ttf5.01
DilleniaUPC Bold Italicupcdbi.ttf5.01
Ebrima BoldEbrimabd.ttf5.00
Estrangelo EdessaEstrangelo Edessaestre.ttf5.00
EucrosiaUPC Italicupcei.ttf5.01
EucrosiaUPC Boldupceb.ttf5.01
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italicupcebi.ttf5.01
Franklin Gothic MediumFranklin Gothic Mediumframd.ttf5.01
Franklin Gothic Medium Italicframdit.ttf5.00
FreesiaUPC Italicupcfi.ttf5.01
FreesiaUPC Boldupcfb.ttf5.01
FreesiaUPC Bold Italicupcfbi.ttf5.01
Gautami BoldGautamib.ttf5.90
Georgia Italicgeorgiai.ttf5.00
Georgia Boldgeorgiab.ttf5.00
Georgia Bold Italicgeorgiaz.ttf5.00
Gisha Boldgishabd.ttf5.00
IrisUPC Italicupcii.ttf5.01
IrisUPC Boldupcib.ttf5.01
IrisUPC Bold Italicupcibi.ttf5.01
Iskoola PotaIskoola Potaiskpota.ttf5.90
Iskoola Pota Boldiskpotab.ttf5.90
JasmineUPC Italicupcji.ttf5.01
JasmineUPC Boldupcjb.ttf5.01
JasmineUPC Bold Italicupcjbi.ttf5.01
Kalinga Boldkalingab.ttf5.90
Kartika BoldKartikab.ttf5.90
Khmer UIKhmer UIKhmerUI.ttf5.00
Khmer UI BoldKhmerUIB.ttf5.00
KodchiangUPC Italicupcki.ttf5.01
KodchiangUPC Boldupckb.ttf5.01
KodchiangUPC Bold Italicupckbi.ttf5.01
Kokila ItalicKokilai.ttf5.91
Kokila BoldKokilab.ttf5.91
Kokila Bold ItalicKokilabi.ttf5.91
Lao UILao UIlaoui.ttf5.00
Lao UI Boldlaouib.ttf5.00
Latha BoldLathab.ttf5.90
Leelawadee Boldleelawdb.ttf5.00
Levenim MTLevenim MTlvnm.ttf5.02
Levenim MT Boldlvnmbd.ttf5.02
LilyUPC Italicupcli.ttf5.01
LilyUPC Boldupclb.ttf5.01
LilyUPC Bold Italicupclbi.ttf5.01
Lucida Sans UnicodeLucida Sans Unicodel_10646.ttf5.00
Malgun GothicMalgun Gothicmalgun.ttf6.11
Malgun Gothic Boldmalgunbd.ttf6.00
Mangal Boldmangalb.ttf5.91
Meiryo Italicmeiryo.ttc6.05
Meiryo Boldmeiryob.ttc6.05
Meiryo Bold Italicmeiryob.ttc6.05
Meiryo UIMeiryo UImeiryo.ttc6.05
Meiryo UI Italicmeiryo.ttc6.05
Meiryo UI Boldmeiryob.ttc6.05
Meiryo UI Bold Italicmeiryob.ttc6.05
Microsoft HimalayaMicrosoft HimalayaHimalaya.ttf5.00
Microsoft JhengHeiMicrosoft JhengHeiMSJH.ttf6.02
Microsoft JhengHei BoldMSJHBD.ttf6.00
Microsoft New Tai LueMicrosoft New Tai Luentailu.ttf5.90
Microsoft New Tai Lue Boldntailub.ttf5.90
Microsoft PhagsPaMicrosoft PhagsPaPhagsPa.ttf5.90
Microsoft PhagsPa BoldPhagsPaB.ttf5.90
Microsoft Sans SerifMicrosoft Sans Serifmicross.ttf5.22
Microsoft Tai LeMicrosoft Tai Letaile.ttf5.90
Microsoft Tai Le BoldTaiLeb.ttf5.90
Microsoft UighurMicrosoft Uighurmsuighur.ttf5.91
Microsoft YaHeiMicrosoft YaHeimsyh.ttf6.02
Microsoft YaHei Boldmsyhbd.ttf6.02
Microsoft Yi BaitiMicrosoft Yi BaitiMSYI.ttf5.00
Miriam Fixedmriamc.ttf5.02
Mongolian BaitiMongolian Baitimonbaiti.ttf5.01
MS GothicMS Gothicmsgothic.ttc5.05
MS PGothicmsgothic.ttc5.05
MS UI Gothicmsgothic.ttc5.05
MS MinchoMS Minchomsmincho.ttc5.05
MS PMinchomsmincho.ttc5.05
MV BoliMV Bolimvboli.ttf5.01
Palatino LinotypePalatino Linotypepala.ttf5.00
Palatino Linotype Italicpalai.ttf5.00
Palatino Linotype Boldpalab.ttf5.00
Palatino Linotype Bold Italicpalabi.ttf5.00
Plantagenet CherokeePlantagenet Cherokeeplantc.ttf5.00
Raavi BoldRaavib.ttf5.90
Sakkal MajallaSakkal Majallamajalla.ttf5.01
Sakkal Majalla Boldmajallab.ttf5.01
Segoe PrintSegoe Printsegoepr.ttf5.02
Segoe Print Boldsegoeprb.ttf5.02
Segoe ScriptSegoe Scriptsegoesc.ttf5.00
Segoe Script Boldsegoescb.ttf5.00
Segoe UISegoe UI Lightsegoeuil.ttf5.00
Segoe UIsegoeui.ttf5.13
Segoe UI Italicsegoeuii.ttf5.13
Segoe UI Semiboldseguisb.ttf5.00
Segoe UI Boldsegoeuib.ttf5.13
Segoe UI Bold Italicsegoeuiz.ttf5.13
Segoe UI SymbolSegoe UI Symbolseguisym.ttf5.00
Shonar BanglaShonar BanglaShonar.ttf5.91
Shonar Bangla BoldShonarb.ttf5.91
Shruti BoldShrutib.ttf5.90
Simplified ArabicSimplified Arabicsimpo.ttf5.92
Simplified Arabic Boldsimpbdo.ttf5.92
Simplified Arabic Fixedsimpfxo.ttf5.92
Tahoma Boldtahomabd.ttf5.22
Times New RomanTimes New Romantimes.ttf5.22
Times New Roman Italictimesi.ttf5.22
Times New Roman Boldtimesbd.ttf5.22
Times New Roman Bold Italictimesbi.ttf5.22
Traditional ArabicTraditional Arabictrado.ttf5.92
Traditional Arabic Boldtradbdo.ttf5.92
Trebuchet MSTrebuchet MStrebuc.ttf5.00
Trebuchet MS Italictrebucit.ttf5.00
Trebuchet MS Boldtrebucbd.ttf5.00
Trebuchet MS Bold Italictrebucbi.ttf5.00
Tunga BoldTungab.ttf5.90
Utsaah ItalicUtsaahi.ttf5.91
Utsaah BoldUtsaahb.ttf5.91
Utsaah Bold ItalicUtsaahbi.ttf5.91
Vani BoldVanib.ttf5.91
Verdana Italicverdanai.ttf5.03
Verdana Boldverdanab.ttf5.03
Verdana Bold Italicverdanaz.ttf5.03
Vijaya BoldVijayab.ttf5.91
Vrinda BoldVrindab.ttf5.90

A contemporary sans serif design, Arial contains more humanist characteristics than many of its predecessors and as such is more in tune with the mood of the last decades of the twentieth century. The overall treatment of curves is softer and fuller than in most industrial style sans serif faces. Terminal strokes are cut on the diagonal which helps to give the face a less mechanical appearance. Arial is an extremely versatile family of typefaces which can be used with equal success for text setting in reports, presentations, magazines etc, and for display use in newspapers, advertising and promotions.

Arial version history

Dell dimension 2400 video driver download. Version 2.55 - This WGL4 version of Arial was first supplied with the Final Windows 95 euro update that shipped on 4 November 1998. This version contains the euro.

Version 2.50 - This version of Arial is supplied with European versions of Windows 98. North American users can add it by installing multilanguage support. This version contains the euro.

Version 2.45 - This Win ANSI version of Arial is supplied with the US version of Windows 98.

Version 2.01 - This special version of Arial is only supplied with the beta version of the Windows 95 euro update patch.

Version 2.00 (Win ANSI) - This Win ANSI version of Arial is supplied with Windows 95.

Version 2.00 (WGL4) - This WGL4 version of Arial is supplied with Windows 95 and Windows NT4. This version does not contain the euro.

Version 1.00 - This version was supplied with Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11.


File namearial.ttf
AuthorsMonotype Type Drawing Office - Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders 1982
Copyright© 2012 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
TrademarkArial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.
Font vendorAgfa Monotype Corporation
Unicode ranges
Code pages1252 Latin 1
1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe
1251 Cyrillic
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1255 Hebrew
1256 Arabic
1257 Windows Baltic
1258 Vietnamese
OEM OEM Character Set
869 IBM Greek
866 MS-DOS Russian
865 MS-DOS Nordic
864 Arabic
863 MS-DOS Canadian French
862 Hebrew
861 MS-DOS Icelandic
860 MS-DOS Portuguese
857 IBM Turkish
855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian
852 Latin 2
775 MS-DOS Baltic
737 Greek; former 437 G
708 Arabic; ASMO 708
850 WE/Latin 1
437 US
Number of glyphs3988
Symbol encodedFalse
Fixed pitchFalse

Licensing info

  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations
  • Purchase & Download Microsoft fonts for personal, professional or business use on workstations
  • License Microsoft fonts for use with CSS @font-face rule in websites.

Products that supply this font

Product nameFont version
Access 20002.76
Age of Empires 1.0a2.00 (Win ANSI)
BackOffice Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Encarta Virtual Globe 991.00
Excel 20002.76
FrontPage 20002.76
Magic School Bus Explores the World of Animals2.45
Office 2000 Premium2.76
Office 97 Small Business Edition SR22.40
Outlook 20002.76
PowerPoint 20002.76
Publisher 20002.76
Publisher 982.40
Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise2.00 (WGL4)
Visual Basic 6.0 Learning2.00 (WGL4)
Visual Basic 6.0 Professional2.00 (WGL4)
Visual FoxPro 6.02.00 (WGL4)
Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise2.00 (WGL4)
Windows 20002.76
Windows 3.11.00
Windows 75.06
Windows 86.80
Windows 952.00 (WGL4)
Windows 952.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (WGL4)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 982.50
Windows 982.45
Windows 98 Second Edition2.76
Windows NT Terminal Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 3.51.77
Windows NT Workstation 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP42.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP52.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0b2.00 (WGL4)
Windows Server 20032.95
Windows Server 20085.01
Windows Vista5.01
Windows XP2.95
Windows XP SP23.00
Word 20002.76

Arial Black

File nameariblk.ttf
AuthorsRobin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders
Copyright© 2012 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Arial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.
TrademarkArial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.
Font vendorAgfa Monotype Corporation
Unicode ranges
Code pages1252 Latin 1
1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe
1251 Cyrillic
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1257 Windows Baltic
Mac Roman Macintosh Character Set (US Roman)
OEM OEM Character Set
869 IBM Greek
866 MS-DOS Russian
865 MS-DOS Nordic
863 MS-DOS Canadian French
861 MS-DOS Icelandic
860 MS-DOS Portuguese
857 IBM Turkish
855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian
852 Latin 2
775 MS-DOS Baltic
737 Greek; former 437 G
850 WE/Latin 1
437 US
Number of glyphs1026
Symbol encodedFalse
Fixed pitchFalse

Licensing info

  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations
  • Purchase & Download Microsoft fonts for personal, professional or business use on workstations
  • License Microsoft fonts for use with CSS @font-face rule in websites.

Products that supply this font

Product nameFont version
Access 20002.35
Access 97 SR22.20
Excel 20002.35
FrontPage 20002.35
Greetings 992.30
Home Publishing 992.30
Internet Explorer 4.02.20
Internet Explorer 4.01 SP12.20
Internet Explorer 4.01 SP22.30
Internet Explorer 52.30
Motocross Madness2.20
Office 2000 Premium2.35
Office 97 Small Business Edition SR22.20
Office 97 SR1a2.20
Outlook 20002.35
PhotoDraw 20002.20
Picture It! 20002.35
Picture It! 20022.35
Picture It! 982.30
PowerPoint 20002.35
Publisher 20002.35
Publisher 972.20
Publisher 982.20
Windows 20002.35
Windows 75.06
Windows 85.21
Windows 982.20
Windows 98 Second Edition2.35
Windows Server 20032.35
Windows Server 20085.00
Windows Vista5.00
Windows XP2.35
Windows XP SP22.35
Word 20002.35
Works 92.36

Arial Bold

File namearialbd.ttf
AuthorsMonotype Type Drawing Office - Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders 1982
Copyright© 2012 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
TrademarkArial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.
Font vendorAgfa Monotype Corporation
Unicode ranges
Code pages1252 Latin 1
1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe
1251 Cyrillic
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1255 Hebrew
1256 Arabic
1257 Windows Baltic
1258 Vietnamese
OEM OEM Character Set
869 IBM Greek
866 MS-DOS Russian
865 MS-DOS Nordic
864 Arabic
863 MS-DOS Canadian French
862 Hebrew
861 MS-DOS Icelandic
860 MS-DOS Portuguese
857 IBM Turkish
855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian
852 Latin 2
775 MS-DOS Baltic
737 Greek; former 437 G
708 Arabic; ASMO 708
850 WE/Latin 1
437 US
Number of glyphs3988
Symbol encodedFalse
Fixed pitchFalse

Arial Unicode Font Download For Windows 7

Licensing info

  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations
  • Purchase & Download Microsoft fonts for personal, professional or business use on workstations
  • License Microsoft fonts for use with CSS @font-face rule in websites.

Products that supply this font

Product nameFont version
Access 20002.76
Age of Empires 1.0a2.00 (Win ANSI)
BackOffice Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Encarta Virtual Globe 992.00 (WGL4)
Excel 20002.76
FrontPage 20002.76
Office 2000 Premium2.76
Office 97 Small Business Edition SR22.40
Outlook 20002.76
PowerPoint 20002.76
Publisher 20002.76
Publisher 982.40
Windows 20002.76
Windows 3.11.00
Windows 75.06
Windows 86.80
Windows 952.00 (WGL4)
Windows 952.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (WGL4)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 982.50
Windows 982.45
Windows 98 Second Edition2.76
Windows NT Terminal Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 3.51.77
Windows NT Workstation 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP42.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP52.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0b2.00 (WGL4)
Windows Server 20032.90
Windows Server 20085.01
Windows Vista5.01
Windows XP2.90
Windows XP SP23.00
Word 20002.76

Arial Bold Italic

File namearialbi.ttf
AuthorsMonotype Type Drawing Office - Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders 1982
Copyright© 2012 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
TrademarkArial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.
Font vendorAgfa Monotype Corporation
Unicode ranges
Code pages1252 Latin 1
1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe
1251 Cyrillic
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1255 Hebrew
1257 Windows Baltic
1258 Vietnamese
OEM OEM Character Set
869 IBM Greek
866 MS-DOS Russian
865 MS-DOS Nordic
863 MS-DOS Canadian French
862 Hebrew
861 MS-DOS Icelandic
860 MS-DOS Portuguese
857 IBM Turkish
855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian
852 Latin 2
775 MS-DOS Baltic
737 Greek; former 437 G
850 WE/Latin 1
437 US
Number of glyphs2953
Symbol encodedFalse
Fixed pitchFalse

Licensing info

  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations
  • Purchase & Download Microsoft fonts for personal, professional or business use on workstations
  • License Microsoft fonts for use with CSS @font-face rule in websites.

Products that supply this font

Product nameFont version
Access 20002.76
BackOffice Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Excel 20002.76
FrontPage 20002.76
Office 2000 Premium2.76
Office 97 Small Business Edition SR22.40
Outlook 20002.76
PowerPoint 20002.76
Publisher 20002.76
Publisher 982.40
Windows 20002.76
Windows 3.11.00
Windows 75.06
Windows 86.80
Windows 952.00 (WGL4)
Windows 952.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (WGL4)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 982.50
Windows 982.45
Windows 98 Second Edition2.76
Windows NT Terminal Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 3.51.77
Windows NT Workstation 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP42.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP52.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0b2.00 (WGL4)
Windows Server 20032.90
Windows Server 20085.00
Windows Vista5.00
Windows XP2.90
Windows XP SP22.90
Word 20002.76

Arial Italic

File nameariali.ttf
AuthorsMonotype Type Drawing Office - Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders 1982
Copyright© 2012 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
TrademarkArial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.
Font vendorAgfa Monotype Corporation
Unicode ranges
Code pages1252 Latin 1
1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe
1251 Cyrillic
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1255 Hebrew
1257 Windows Baltic
1258 Vietnamese
OEM OEM Character Set
869 IBM Greek
866 MS-DOS Russian
865 MS-DOS Nordic
863 MS-DOS Canadian French
862 Hebrew
861 MS-DOS Icelandic
860 MS-DOS Portuguese
857 IBM Turkish
855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian
852 Latin 2
775 MS-DOS Baltic
737 Greek; former 437 G
850 WE/Latin 1
437 US
Number of glyphs2953
Symbol encodedFalse
Fixed pitchFalse

Licensing info

Windows 10 Arial Font Download

  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations
  • Purchase & Download Microsoft fonts for personal, professional or business use on workstations
  • License Microsoft fonts for use with CSS @font-face rule in websites.

Products that supply this font

Arial Font Download Windows 7 Free

Product nameFont version
Access 20002.76
BackOffice Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Encarta Virtual Globe 992.00 (WGL4)
Excel 20002.76
FrontPage 20002.76
Office 2000 Premium2.76
Office 97 Small Business Edition SR22.40
Outlook 20002.76
PowerPoint 20002.76
Publisher 20002.76
Publisher 982.40
Windows 20002.76
Windows 3.11.00
Windows 75.06
Windows 86.80
Windows 952.00 (WGL4)
Windows 952.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (WGL4)
Windows 95 Version Upgrade2.00 (Win ANSI)
Windows 982.50
Windows 982.45
Windows 98 Second Edition2.76
Windows NT Terminal Server 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 3.51.77
Windows NT Workstation 4.02.00 (WGL4)
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP42.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP52.50
Windows NT Workstation 4.0b2.00 (WGL4)
Windows Server 20032.90
Windows Server 20085.00
Windows Vista5.00
Windows XP2.90
Windows XP SP22.90
Word 20002.76